Join the science discord! I saw this video on reddit and was suspicious it was fake. I thought if you pew pew your phone it would instantly break, so I decided to try it to for myself! Reddit link Ok guys, no insults or personal attack will be allowed in the comments. keep it clean. this video is a learning example for following the rules of handling a gun, not a witch hunt. #1 THE GUN IS ALWAYS LOADED. dont play with guns. don't point guns at stuff you don't want to shoot. the gun - KEEP READING! The phone can not record to the SD card or internally fast enough either. I filmed the second shot from the phone, and the video is corrupted. I used a free app to preview the file, and it does not show the last few frames before i shoot the gun. here is the file. use mp4 fixer on android to view the file if you want to see for your self.